Interested in speaking at Accounting Day? Have a great topic that will be of benefit to Accounting Day?  Send us an email note with your name, topic title and a brief description of the topic via the Contact page.  Or use This Link

2021 Confirmed Speakers, let us know your speaker needs.
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Last year’s Accounting Day had a great slate of topics and turned out to be an exciting event.

To help market the event, we are looking for exceptional quality topics and speakers. This is not a big challenge as we are very fortunate that we have great quality each year. However, we always seek fresh and new ideas and we are looking to you for assistance with this. Also we need your topic and related information much earlier this year. The speaker and topic committee will evaluate the speaker proposals with an emphasis on the order in which we receive them. We will send invitations to past speakers in advance of the general announcement.

Accounting Day is proud of its reputation in providing quality continuing education by utilizing professionals and educators in the field who are active in their profession and have a track record of excellence.

If you are interested in speaking or have been invited to speak, we encourage you to review the Accounting Day website in its entirety. Contact Jim Colville in the Contact Us link if you have questions.

To secure your speaker slot for Accounting Day, send us an email today or use This Link with your topic, a brief narrative on the topics and a short outline. Of course we need your name, credentials and contact info. This is simply your tentative proposal and you’re not locked in to. We need your info now, but also understand that it’s too early to have a final product.

Benefits of Speaking:

  • Great exposure marketing you, your expertise and your firm
  • Your chance to obtain attendee contact information
    • Get their business card after the session
    • Drive them to your website for more information, at which time you capture their information
  • Sharing your knowledge with other professionals
  • You have a topic/speaker web page on the Accounting Day website with as many pages you desire and a link back your firm’s web site. These pages remain active for at least six years
  • Speaking in combination with sponsorship gives maximum benefit

Read above about your marketing opportunities. For a variety of reasons, legal, business or practical, Accounting Day does not divulge any attendee information to anyone outside of Accounting Day.


Jim Colville, Accounting Day Chairman


or Click on Contact Us

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